Best Roulette Strategies – Tips to Win at Roulette

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Roulette, a.k.a. the ‘little wheel,’ is a thrilling casino table game that has gained popularity over the years. It is thrilling and draws anticipation in every round, waiting for where the ball will stop on the roulette table. Like any other casino game, the right roulette strategy can give you a better experience and improve your potential winning chances. This article will cover the best strategies for your next roulette session.

How to Play Roulette

Different roulette variants depend on the casino you’re playing at. Although rules of play might slightly differ, the terms used are applicable across all. There are different wheels, including popular ones like American and European Wheels, that differ in pockets and number sequence. The popular roulette terms include:

  • Action: Amount of money wagered over a specific period.
  • Big Number: A number that hit more than its theoretical average.
  • Biassed Numbers: A big number consistent through long-term analysis.
  • Blacks: Chips with a value of €100.
  • Capping a Bet: Illegally adding more chips to a winning bet.
  • Greens: Chips worth €25.
  • Nickel/Reds: Chips worth €5.
  • Parlay: Doubling your bet after a win.
  • Surrender: Giving away half of your losing bet on even money bets when 0 or 00 hits.

Types of Roulette Bets

Playing roulette is straightforward. You should place your chips in the various squares on the numbered table layout to wager. Where you place your chips on the roulette table is crucial because it determines your bet. The different types of bets include:

  • Black Action: A bet made using a black chip.
  • Column Bet: A bet on one of the columns of 12 numbers.
  • Dozen Bet: A bet on either of the sequence of 12 numbers on the layout.
  • Even Bet: A bet when one of the even numbers will win.
  • Even Money: A bet that pays off at one-to-one.
  • Even Up: A bet without a mathematical edge on either side.
  • 5-Number Bet: A single bet that 0, 00, 1, 2, or 3 will hit next.
  • High Bet: A bet predicting high numbers (19 to 36) will win.
  • Inside Bet: A bet on the centred numbered portion of the layout.
  • Line/6-Number Bet: A bet that one of six numbers (two rows of three numbers) will win.
  • Low Bet: A bet predicting low numbers (1 to 18) will win.
  • Odd Bet: A bet when one of the odd numbers will win.
  • Outside Bet: A bet, even money or 2-to-1, found on the outside portion of the layout.
  • Quarter/Corner/Square Bet: A bet that one of the four numbers will hit.
  • Red Bet: An even money bet that the next number is red.
  • Split Bet: A single bet predicting one of two numbers will hit.
  • Straight Up Bet: An insider bet on one number.
  • Street/Triple/Trio Bet: A single bet predicting one of three numbers will hit.

Best Roulette Placement Strategies

There are different approaches to playing roulette. These strategies help you understand the game better and help you do better the next time you play at a live casino. Although useful, it’s important to note that roulette strategies do not guarantee wins nor decrease the house edge.

Before we delve into the specifics, you should know that strategies are categorised into progressive and non-progressive strategies.

Progressive strategies are ones where you increase your stake amount with each round. It requires that you have a big bankroll that can strand the increase in bets and has more risk. If you win, they tend to have bigger win margins, although the vice versa is true.

Non-progressive strategies are simple to learn and easy to use. However, they also have their fair share of risk. Unlike their counterparts, they use the same bet amount throughout all roulette sessions. They are ideal if you have a limited bankroll or prefer consistency in staking. They generally accrue less profits.

Martingale Roulette Strategy

Martingale’s betting strategy is among the most popular options in the betting industry. It is also an easy pick because it’s simple to understand and use. Its mechanism is very simple; every time you place a bet and lose, you double the bet amount and place the same bet.

The thinking behind it is that by doubling the stake when you win, your win margin will be big enough to allow you to recoup all the accrued losses, break even, and potentially settle on a profit. The net profit will become your new stake, and you can start the process again until you win.

This sounds like a balanced strategy, right? However, there is a catch!

The exponential growth of your bets can eventually become unmanageable unless you win a round within the first few spins. The strategy might seem like an illusion of a safety net, but you must be cautious. Ensure you have a big bankroll to last in the long run, and start with the lowest allowed bet to extend your progression.

Grand Martingale Roulette Strategy

This is a pricey variation of the basic Martingale betting strategy. It has the same mechanism but on ‘steroids.’ After a loss, you typically double your stake size, add an extra amount equivalent to your original bet amount, and use that for the next bet. For instance, if you stake €1 and lose, your next stake will be €2 + €1. This strategy requires a hefty bankroll and is not ideal for everyone.

D’Alembert Roulette Strategy

D’Alembert betting strategy is a popular tactic used in roulette. It is a negative progression betting strategy. It uses the mechanism that you should increase your bet size with each loss and decrease it with each win.

Its philosophy is to even out wins and losses over time by betting less when winning and more when losing. Its interpretation is that you’re more likely to win after a loss and, by increasing the stake, recoup the previous loss upon winning. Similarly, the chances of a further loss after losing a bet are high, so you decrease the bet size to avoid losing more money.

To use the strategy, you must first choose a desired bet amount, e.g., €3. For illustration, if you bet and lose, increase your next bet by €1, making your next stake €4. If you bet and win, you reduce the initial stake by €1, making your next stake €2.

While this strategy can be effective in the short term, it’s never guaranteed. You can lose significant amounts over time, especially in roulette games with a high house edge.

Fibonacci Roulette Strategy

This strategy is based on a theory similar to the Fibonacci number sequence. The latter states that the next sequential number is determined by summing up the last two preceding numbers. As for the strategy, the sequence helps you determine the stake for your next stake, with the bet amount determined by adding the last two bets.

The Fibonacci number sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,…

If you win, you backtrack two spaces in the sequence. If you lose, you proceed to the next number in the sequence. Let’s take an example of €3 as your first bet. If you win, your next stake will be €1. If you lose, your next stake will be €5.

The basic idea is to reserve your bankroll by reducing the bet amount when you win. On the other hand, you increase the bet size when you lose to recoup the losses upon a win.

Andrucci Roulette Strategy

This is a high-risk strategy and should be used with caution. It’s based on more of a random algorithm. The theory behind it is that specific numbers are more likely to appear regularly as the game progresses, although it lacks any evidence.

With the Andrucci betting strategy, you start your journey with random bets, noting down their outcomes. After around 30 bets, you analyse the outcomes, looking for numbers with the most appearances. This analysis will form the basis of your probability scale, and you can make straight bets on numbers with the highest probabilities.

With the lack of a clear pattern and randomness of roulette spin outcomes, this strategy can quickly deplete your bankroll if you are not careful. It is ideal for demo modes, which also can’t be applied to real games because of many factors.

Paroli Roulette Strategy

Also known as the ‘Reverse Martingale Strategy,’ this tactic alters your bet size depending on the outcome. However, it follows a specific pattern, and there are rules to it.

Every time you lose a bet, you keep the stake size to the base amount. When you win a bet, you double your stake. Moreover, after three rounds of winning, you reset the stake to the base amount.

For example, you start the game with €1. When you lose, it stays at €1. When you win, you double it to €2. When you win three times, that is, €1 to €2, €2 to €4, and €4 to €8, you reset the bet to €1 and start all over.

The idea is to minimise the losses and maximise a short burst of wins, being cautious in the process.

James Bond Roulette Strategy

Referred to as a beginner’s favourite, this strategy combines bets to deliver the best winning odds. It also doesn’t require a big bankroll to be effective. If you have a €100 budget, you split the amount into three and place bets in various boxes.

70% equivalent to €70 on the 19 to 36 box, 25% equivalent to €25 on the 13 to 18 box, and 5% equivalent to €5 on 0. With the strategy, the distribution will only allow you to lose if the ball lands on the box with numbers 1 to 12.

How to Find the Best Roulette Strategy

Playing roulette requires dedication and patience. You must focus on a few things to find the best strategy to maximise your chances in roulette. You might need to try out various strategies to test their capabilities and determine which suits your style of play. Also, realise that each strategy has its pros and cons, and you must consider them while using them. No strategy provides a 100% guarantee of wins. You have to make more informed decisions by choosing from the different types of bets and knowing the odds.

How to Choose the Right Roulette Game for the Strategy

By now, you’ve learnt that there is an array of roulette strategies from which to select. You should examine each strategy alongside the roulette variant you want to play, the type of bets you intend to place, and your minimum and maximum bet limits.

You can also narrow your choices based on your preference between progressive and non-progressive strategies. Other factors that will affect your decision-making include how experienced you are at playing roulette and the size of your bankroll. Also, consider the intention of playing the game, whether for leisure, to improve your skill, or to make a profit.

How to Win at Roulette

Winning at roulette is having a successful bet. However, there are fundamental tips and guidance to playing the game. We offer ‘Practice Play’ modes for risk-free trials to prepare you for the ‘Real Money’ options. You should also study the roulette table and understand the rules, odds, and types of bets.

We advise starting small on bet amounts so you can play for longer as you gain experience. Don’t play black and red, as using this strategy is a fallacy and an unreliable tactic. Play outside bets to minimise the risk of losses. Take advantage of bonuses, if available.

Experiment with different betting combinations for potential big wins. Take your losses and learn from them. Set bet limits and strictly stick to them, betting only what you can afford. If need be, take breaks and adopt other responsible betting practices.


What is the most successful roulette strategy?

Martingale is the most successful, widely known roulette strategy and is simple to apply.

What is the best bet to place on roulette?

Referring to the Andrucci strategy, wager a minimum amount on an even money bet, such as odd/even or red/black.

What is the 64 strategy in roulette?

The 64% strategy covers 2 out of 3 dozen bets in European Roulette, improving the odds of securing a win.

Is there a winning formula for roulette?

Roulette is a game of chance, and there is no guaranteed formula or method to win consistently.

What is the zero rule in roulette?

This rule applies to even money bets, where you can reclaim half your bet or lose the other half when a zero turns up.

Last Updated: 25.11.2024